
Kinemetrics (미국) ES-T 지진가속도센서
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 출력전압 선형비 < 1000 μg/g2
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 측정범위 ± 0.25g, ± 0.5g, ± 1g, ± 2g or ± 4g
- 출력전압 single-ended ± 2.5V, ± 10V / differential ± 5V, ± 20V
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C

Kinemetrics (미국) ES-U2 지진가속도센서
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 1축
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 출력전압 선형비 < 1000 μg/g2
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 측정범위 ± 0.25g, ± 0.5g, ± 1g, ± 2g or ± 4g
- 출력전압 single-ended ± 2.5V, ± 10V / differential ± 5V, ± 20V
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C

Kinemetrics (미국) ES-DH 지중형 지진가속도센서
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 출력전압 선형비 < 1000 μg/g2
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 측정범위 ± 0.25g, ± 0.5g, ± 1g, ± 2g or ± 4g
- 출력전압 single-ended ± 2.5V, ± 10V / differential ± 5V, ± 20V
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C

Kinemetrics (미국) SBEPI 지중형 지진가속도센서 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 출력전압 선형비 < 1000 μg/g2
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 측정범위 ± 0.25g, ± 0.5g, ± 1g, ± 2g or ± 4g
- 출력전압 single-ended ± 2.5V, ± 10V / differential ± 5V, ± 20V
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C

Kinemetrics (미국) MBB-2 지진광대역속도센서 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 -3 dB points at 120 seconds and 160 Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB at 1 Hz
- Clip level 26 mm/s peak from 0.0083 Hz to 40 Hz
- Sensitivity 750 V/(m/s) or 1500 V/(m/s), trimmed to ± 0.5% precision
- * No mass lock required, No mass centering required
- 입력전압 9-36 V DC input (internally isolated)
- Enclosure Rating IP68
- 작동온도 -40 to +60°C

Kinemetrics (미국) OMNISENSOR 지중형 지진광대역속도/ 가속도센서 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 출력전압 선형비 < 1000 μg/g2
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 측정범위 ± 4g (Optional ± 2g and ± 1g)
- 출력전압 11-18 V DC input (internally isolated)
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 -3 dB points at 120 seconds and 160 Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB at 1 Hz
- Clip level 13mm/s to 40 Hz
- Sensitivity 1500 V/(m/s), trimmed to ± 0.5% precision
- Mass Position Output Independent mass position output for each of the XYZ axes
- Enclosure Rating IP68
- 작동온도 -20° to +60°C

Kinemetrics (미국) OBSIDIAN 지진가속도센서/ 자료전송저장장치
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 출력전압 선형비 < 1000 μg/g2
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 측정범위 User selectable at ±2g or ±4g+
- Dynamic range 200 sps ~127 dB (RMS clip to RMS noise - Typical)
100 sps ~130 dB (RMS clip to RMS noise – Typical) - Frequency response DC to 80 Hz @ 200 sps
- Sampling rates 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 sps
- Additional trigger STA/LTA, Time Window
- File formats Kinemetrics EVT, MiniSEED, SAC, COSMOS, MATLAB, SUDS, SEISAN, ASCII, others
- Data slot Internal SDHC Card Slot, standard 32 GB
- DC input 9-28 VDC
- Operating temp -20° to 70°C Operation
- Enclosure rating IP67 Equivalent

Kinemetrics (미국) ETNA2일체형(기록계/센서) 가속도센서 DATASHEET
- Type Triaxial EpiSensor force balance accelerometers
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC to 200Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 측정범위 User selectable at ±1g, ±2g or ±4g
- A-D Converter 24-bit sensor channels for the internal sensors
동적범위 ~130 dB at 100 sps (defined as RMS clip to RMS input noise)
~139 dB at 100 sps (defined as full scale peak to peak to RMS shorted-input noise) - Channel 3 channel
- 자료취득 동시 다중샘플링(1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500 sps) 및 실시간 전송
- Calibration Pulse and Sensor Response Test
- 최대시간오차 <1 microseconds of UTC with GPS locked
- 자료획득 및 전송방법 Real Time Telemetry (Multiple destinations TCP/IP Protoco)
- 기록형식 및 저장 MiniSEED, EVT, and ASCII
- Memory Internal SDHC Card, 32 GB
전원 및 하우징
- 입력전압 9-28 VDC
- Enclosure Rating IP67 Equivalent
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C operational

Kinemetrics (미국) ICOBI 3건축 법규 준수 지진 감시 시스템 DATASHEET
- Type Triaxial EpiSensor force balance accelerometers, orthogonally oriented, internal
- 주파수영역 DC to 200 Hz
- 동적범위 155 dB+
- 측정범위 User selectable at ±1g, ±2g, or ±4g
- Channel 3 sensor channels for the internal sensors
- 동적범위 ~130 dB at 100sps (defined as RMS dipto RMS shorted-input noise) or ~139 dB at 100sps (defined as full scale peak to peak to RMS shorted-input noise)
- 자료취득 동시 다중샘플링(100, 200 sps) 및 실시간 전송
- Calibration Pulse and Sensor Response Test
- 최대시간오차 < 1 microseconds of UTC with GPS locked each unit
- 자료획득 및 전송방법 Real Time Telemetry (Multiple destinations TCP/IP Protocol)
- 기록형식 및 저장 EVT
- Memory nternal SDHC Card, 32GB
전원 및 하우징
- 입력전압 9-28 VDC
- Enclosure Rating IP67
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C operational

Kinemetrics (미국) Q330HRS 자료전송 및 저장장치
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- A-D Converter 3 channels 26-bit and 3 channels 24-bit (option)
- 동적범위 147~148 dB wideband RMS typical
- Channel 6 channel
- 입력전압범위 40V P-P at gain=1
- 자료취득 동시 다중샘플링(200, 100, 50, 40, 20, 10, 1 sample rate) 및 실시간 전송
- 자료획득 및 전송방법 Dual Ethernet (10BaseT & 10/100BaseT) Full IP Protocol Stack (Linux)
- 저장공간 Dual USB up to 64GB total

Kinemetrics (미국) Q330S+ 자료전송 및 저장장치
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- A-D Converter 24-bit
- 동적범위 Typical~138dB wideband RMS
- Channel 3, optional 6-channel
- 입력전압범위 40V P-P at gain=1
- 자료취득 동시 다중샘플링(1000, 500, 250, 200, 100, 50, 40, 20, 10, 1.) 및 실시간 전송
- 자료획득 및 전송방법 Dual Ethernet (10BaseT & 10/100BaseT) Full IP Protocol Stack (Linux)
- 저장공간 Dual USB up to 32G total

Kinemetrics (미국) Q8 자료전송 및 저장장치
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- Built-in 3-axis ±2g MEMS Accelerometer
- Channel 6 high resolution channels standard, 7th high-res channel to digitize cal signal, 6 channels 16-bit auxiliary channels
- 동적범위 Standard Mode: 140dB ratio Full Scale RMS, High-resolution Mode (3 channel): 143dB
- 입력전압범위 40V P-P at gain=1
- 자료취득 1000, 500, 250, 200, 100, 50, 40, 20, 10, 1
- 저장공간 Standard 32GB (up to 256GB possible)
- Plug‐and‐play with Seedlink and BRTT Antelope

Kinemetrics (미국) OBSIDIAN 4X_8X_12X_24X_36X 자료전송 및 저장장치
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- Channel 4, 8, 12, 24 and 36
동적범위 200 sps ~127 dB (RMS clip to RMS noise - Typical)
100 sps ~130 dB (RMS clip to RMS noise - Typical) - 입력전압범위 5Vpp, 10Vpp, 40Vpp Differential Input
- 자료취득 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 sps
- 저장공간 Standard 32 GB
- 자료획득 및 전송방법 Real Time Telemetry (Multiple destinations TCP/IP Protoco)
지진 트리거

Kinemetrics (미국) MITIGATOR+ 지진 스위치 DATASHEET
- Power requirements 5-48 VDC Power. Unit draws less than 10mA from 12V with no relays energized. Draws less than 75mA from 12V with all 3 relays energized.
- Sensors Triaxial Acceleration Monitoring Micro-machined silicon accelerometers
- Frequency response Digital bandpass filter 1Hz to 15Hz
- Acceleration threshold User selectable from 25mg to 0.5g
- Switching elements 3 low power relays
- · RS-232C Serial port at 38400 baud
- · USB Port for data and optionally powering unit.
- Diagnostics Self-diagnostics at power on and reset
Temp range -25°C to +70°C

Kinemetrics (미국) MITIGATOR+IND 산업용 지진 스위치 DATASHEET
- Power requirements5-48 VDC Power. Unit draws less than 10mA from 12V with no relays energized. Draws less than 75mA from 12V with all 3 relays energized.
- Sensors Triaxial Acceleration Monitoring Micro-machined silicon accelerometers
- Frequency response Digital bandpass filter 1Hz to 15Hz
- Acceleration threshold User selectable from 25mg to 0.5g
- Switching elements 3 low power relays
- · RS-232C Serial port at 38400 baud
- · USB Port for data and optionally powering unit.
- Diagnostics Self-diagnostics at power on and reset

Kinemetrics (미국) Antrlope 지진분석소프트웨어 DATASHEET
- Distributed real-time data acquisition and processing capability
- Unique data neutral and entirely data-driven architecture
- Lowes processing latency, suited for earthquake early warning systems (EEWS)
- Tie-in capability of virtually any seismic network in the world
- Distributed real-time system SOH monitoring and command & control capability
- Comprehensive automated seismic event information including an AI event detector
- Network size independent - software scales with hardware
- Writes data in real-time to a non-volatile disk ring buffer
- Size of ring buffer limited only by the maximum file size of OS
- Real-time system uses client/server TCP/IP paradigm
- Supports all telemetry links with standard TCP/IP Level 4 protocol over multiple physical interfaces including standard duplex serial interfaces
- A unique set of online and off-line processing tools
- Information system interfaces and functionality
- Offers RDBMS tools for rapid access to earthquake information
- Provides a rich development toolkit (e.g., Python, Perl, C, and C++)
- Highly configurable and adaptable to any monitoring system requirements
- 64-bit open-architecture modular design concept throughout
- Used by the largest seismic networks and major data centers in the world today