
SARA (이탈리아) SL06 자료전송 및 저장장치
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 동적범위 24 bit (ΣΔ) 144dB
- 채널수 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 channels
- 트리거방법 multimode STA/LTA, amplitude, IP voting and scheduled
자료취득 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 480, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1500 Hz
The maximum sampling rate is lower increasing the number of channels. - 최대시간오차 GPS disciplined clock +/- 10ppm -20/+50°C (+/- 0.4μs to the respect of UTC)
- 데이터 링크 Ethernet 10/100 and RS232
- 데이터 형식 GSEcm6, GSEint, SAC, SAF, SEED, miniSEED, SEG2
- 전송형식 Seedlink, FTP client & server
- Mass Memory USB pen-drives, with EXT2 file system up to 8 Terabytes

SARA (이탈리아) SA10/3D 지진가속도센서
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평 2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC-100Hz/DC-200Hz (standards, other customization are possible)
- 동적범위 > 165dB (from 0.1Hz to 20Hz with 1g full scale version)
- 비선형성 < 0.1%
- 성분간 감도오차 < 0.1%
- 측정범위 +/- 2 g (standard, 1g or 4g upon request)
- 출력전압 +/-10V fully differential (50 ohm)
- 작동온도 -25° to 70°C

SARA (이탈리아) SA10/2D
SA10/1D 지진가속도센서
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분2축/ 1축(수평 1방향, 수평 2방향)
- 주파수영역DC-100Hz/DC-200Hz (standards, other customization are possible)
- 동적범위> 165dB (from 0.1Hz to 20Hz with 1g full scale version)
- 비선형성< 0.1%
- 성분간 감도오차< 0.1%
- 측정범위+/- 2 g (standard, 1g or 4g upon request)
- 출력전압+/-10V fully differential (50 ohm)
- 작동온도-25° to 70°C

SARA (이탈리아) SA10-BHV 지중형 지진가속도센서
한국지질자원연구원 시험성적서 보유 DATASHEET
- 계측성분 3축(연직 1방향, 수평 2방향)
- 주파수영역 DC-100Hz or DC-200Hz (to be selected at order)
- 동적범위 > 165dB (from 0.1-20Hz with 1g full scale version per bin)
- 비선형성 <=0.1%
- 성분간 감도오차 <=0.1%
- 측정범위 5 V/g (2g at full scale) customizable at order
- 출력전압 +/-10V full differential output
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C

SARA (이탈리아) SS08 지진광대역속도센서 DATASHEET
- 채널 수 3+3 (X,Y,Z + mass positions)
- 주파수영역 from 180-20 seconds to 30-100 Hertz (frequency range to be specified at order)
동적범위 > 150dB
Feature can variates depending on customization of sensitivity, band-pass or other. - 공칭 민감도 1500V/m/s (or other to be specified at order)
- 성분간 감도오차 < 1% (including misalignment)
- 클립레벨 13 mm/sec (nominal at 1500V/m/s sensitivity)
- 출력전압 +/-20V (differential output 40 Vp-p)
- 작동온도 -20° to 70°C

SARA (이탈리아) SR04S3 Geobox 지반조사 계측장비 (부지증폭 측정장비) DATASHEET
- 동적범위 124dB (144dB, 24 bit of ENOB, between 0.1 and 10Hz)
- 채널수 3 with 24 bit A/D converter (ΣΔ)
- 자료취득 simultaneous on all three channel (1 a/d per channel)
- 최대 시간오차 +/-10ppm (-20/+50°C), <50μs
- 데이터 인터페이스 RS232, USB cable supplied
- 데이터 형식 SADC20HS binary protocol
- 저장형식 SAF / H-V / GSE

SARA (이탈리아) DoReMi 지반조사 계측장비 DATASHEET
- 24 bit system (16bit system available)
- Memory: 128 kBytes (40000 samples)
- Sampling rates: from 200 to 20000 Hz
- A/D converter type: Sigma Delta
- Band-pass: DC-400Hz
- Common mode rejection: >80dB
- Instrument Chain Max Length: 1000m
- Best results geophones: 4.5Hz High Gain 80V/m/s
- BUS Communication: 115200/230400, N, 8, 1
- Data format; .drm, SEG-2, SEG-Y, .saf, .csv

SARA (이탈리아) GeoExplorer HVSR 소프트웨어 (부지증폭 측정) DATASHEET
- H/V curves generated in real time
- Signal homogeneousity on the horizontal plane
- Signal and H/V ratio stability in time
- H/V and absolute spectrum overlap for fastest data quality check
- Windows selection switchable ON/OFF for better H/V curve restitution
- SESAME criteria for curve and peaks checked at all frequencies
- Programmable windowing algorithm
- Programmable smoothing
- Window selection with possible repositioning down to sample-by-sample
- AUDIO signal analysis
- Stratigraphic modelling
- Vp/Vs calculation for given stratigraphic model
- If needed the instrumental correction is possible using a respfile
- Geopsy H/V format file compatibility
- Synthetic / Experimental curve comparison for VsXX (Vs30) calculation using (Geopsy gpell)
- Automatic report generation in PDF format